Monday, May 13, 2013

day 1 fysiko "grow natural eyelashes"

So here we go, finally starting this awesome product, as always I'm a little late to start. BUT I've seen some amazing results, so lets cross our fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes that this works. You see, I like my eyes, they're green. But my lashes??? Oh they're lacking, now my sons? AMAZING... mine? Meh.. I can take them or leave them. I'm confident this will give me at the very least a little boost.

So the obligatory picture for day 1. Do you know how hard is it to take a selfie of your EYELASHES??? when your eyelashes are barely even existent? Well, if you don't just take my word for it, it's difficult.

do you see? that kind of blurred brownish color? Yea THOSE are my lashes.. the picture is focused and everything, you just can't see the things. I'm desperate... desperate for this to work! See you in a few weeks with my fysiko update! I can't wait!

***Disclosure: A free sample of Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum was facilitated for testing and review purposes. Compensation for this post will be provided after the 16 week posting goes live by Fysiko. Opinions expressed here are 100% my own as well as the pictures of my eyelashes.

1 comment:

  1. You should tryto take better picture. And we know how hard it is! Try to use MACRO feature...
