Tuesday, April 16, 2013

DIY at it's finest

I have so many ideas floating around in my head. I started a fabulous T-shirt tute last week, Showing how to make a pattern from your existing Tshirt. Now, there are A LOT out there, but for some reason they're intimidating, so I took the time to make extra steps, showing where I had messed up prior, in others posts.. Then I came to the end of the shirt... and FAILED IT! Ahhh.. so I will have to post that when I get the courage to make another. You see, I am my own worst enemy. I ridicule myself for no reason. So back to the crafty drawing board I said. I decided to make another Chevron board, I had one laying around, it's pretty beat up, most of it's imperfections I wasn't able to repair, even with wood filler, primer and a lot of sanding, still, it should be amazing.
It will hang in my dining area and be bright and obnoxious and make my dearest husband hide all the spray paint from me :) To match this awesomeness I painted the lids to some glass jars I'd already had. We usually keep candy/cookies and dog treats in them, they sit on my coffee stand near the Keurig, just out of the way. Also a picture of the color choices/brand. So far this is my favorite, not that I'm all that experienced in Spray painting, I'm not tagging up my little beach city in Key Lime and Aqua symbols or anything, but to cover plastic, and cheap redo materials for these cork boards, this has worked wonderfully. I also picked up a few award frames from the 99 cent store, THEY finally had them, so these are the perfect size for all the kids drawings, you know when they steal paper from your printer, and scatter these masterpieces all over the house? Well the best ones I've kept, and now will be displaying them in random places. The frames are CHEAP, not only 99 cents, but I mean ugly junky black plastic, nothing a little primer and paint can't spruce up.

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