Monday, September 17, 2012

Adventures in Mommyhood - Potty Training the Boy

This boy is soo tiring! The girls were a cake walk compared to him.

Dearest J, why must you scream bloody murder when I walk you to the bathroom? Do you know it sounds like I'm beating you and I'm pretty sure CPS is going to knock on my door one day. Why? Oh because you're too stubborn to stop playing cars to go to the bathroom. If you hold it all day you're going to get sick! Yes, he holds it. He doesn't have accidents anymore (Over a week pee accident free! Woo Hoo) But he still won't go willingly because he's too busy doing his own thing.

He just got mad at me. Why? Well you see he left his blueberry Costco muffin on the table when we took Miss K to school. And his glass of milk, a FULL Glass of milk. When we got home he realized the dog hopped up and ate his muffin. Is that my fault? No. Well maybe, I could have picked it up but honestly I'm going 9,000 MPH in the morning and in 4 directions. Anyway he tossed his full glass of milk across my dining table, to leak down onto the ground. This all before 9am. I'm pretty sure I'm ready to curl up in a corner and cry. approaching his 3rd Birthday has been the hardest stage yet. HARDEST stage of all three of my kids, he's rougher and tougher than the girls ever were. And people wonder why we're done having babies??? ha ha.

On our Costco trip we found Captain America for J. HE calls him "America" and then yells "I'm here to save you America!" instead of "I'm Captain America to save you" yep it's pretty awesome. We're a very patriotic family. Shoot, when the mail carrier drops our mail off in the box the kids scream "Thank you for your service" I think he's going to be the cutest Captain America of all time. Don't mind the crayon mark on the wall, I never noticed it until I actually took this picture. Magic Eraser to the rescue.

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