Friday, June 28, 2013

Fysiko Eyelash Growth, week 6

So I've been using Fysiko for 6 1/2 weeks now, The first few weeks I only applied it once a day like I stated in an earlier post, because I am OVERLY sensitive. It's 9am here on a gorgeous sunny Southern California Friday morning and I've already taken benedryl because I touched something I shouldn't have. So yea, super sensitive. I really feel like I'm allergic to almost everything!

So here's an update, I love it! my lashes are absolutely fuller, thicker, and longer. There's really  a noticeable difference. I've noticed some skin discoloring, but not much, just some changes. nothing a little sun won't hide. Even with that, I'm so very pleased with this product!

See, who needs mascara when you have LONG dark lashes!!!

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